7.1.2 Delegates Each affiliated member may appoint two (2) Delegates to the General Council Association Delegate Association Delegate Name * Name First First Last Last Dropdown * I am attendingNo, I am not attending Committee Position * Email * Mobile * Zone * selectCENTRAL QUEENSLAND CUE SPORTSEIGHT BALL NORTH QUEENSLANDSOUTHERN QUEENSLAND EIGHT BALLQUEENSLAND EIGHT BALL Your Association * selectBRISBANE AND DISTRICTS EIGHTBALLBUNDABERG 8-BALLCAIRNS AND DISTRICTS EIGHT BALLCAPRICORNIA CUE SPORTSCITY 8-BALL ASSOCIATIONDARLING DOWNS CUE SPORTSFRASER COAST EIGHTBALLGLADSTONE 8-BALLGOLD COAST 8 BALLGYMPIE EIGHT BALLHERVEY BAY EIGHT-BALLINNISFAIL EIGHT BALIPSWICH EIGHT BALLKILCOY 8 BALLKURANDA 8 BALLMACKAY 8-BALLMOUNT ISA POOLNORTHERN DISTRICTS EIGHT BALLPIONEER EIGHT BALLPORT CITY CUE SPORTSSUNSHINE COAST CUE SPORTSTABLELAND CUE SPORTSTOOWOOMBA 8 BALLTOWNSVILLE 8-BALLQUEENSLAND EIGHT BALL Message reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit